Massimo Dentico
2007-03-20 01:33:51 UTC
Haven't heard from you in a while...
Sorry Tom, this was a quite long "in a while".Are you still interested in the Tunes CMS?
I'm thinking about future developments...
(i.e. How would TUNES solve these problems, ideally?)
Well, this is *exactly* the problem: I constantlyI'm thinking about future developments...
(i.e. How would TUNES solve these problems, ideally?)
end up thinking about TUNES; in particular, regarding
your current effort, about Tunes Distributed Publishing [1]
(TDP from now on) and how much it is *different* from the
current Web.
I had begun to write a long e-mail to you at least four
times. Each time I stop, thinking that what I wrote will
discourage your current effort.
"To boostrap FULL TUNES we need FULL TUNES", I think this
summarize well the reasons of our long paralysis.
So, there are no shortcut: we need to approach TUNES
one small step a time. And please: be NOT discouraged!
When time permits, I will begin a series of e-mails (one
is in preparation, subject: current mark-up languages and
a proposal for a quite different solution) with critics
of current situation AND pratical contribution, trying
to stick to one point and not diverge too much.
P.S.: please, do NOT delete or overwrite old content.
Thank you!
1. Tunes Distributed Publishing
Massimo Dentico