Massimo Dentico
2007-03-20 01:33:51 UTC
Haven't heard from you in a while...
Sorry Tom, this was a quite long "in a while".
Are you still interested in the Tunes CMS?
I'm thinking about future developments...
(i.e. How would TUNES solve these problems, ideally?)
Well, this is *exactly* the problem: I constantly
end up thinking about TUNES; in particular, regarding
your current effort, about Tunes Distributed Publishing [1]
(TDP from now on) and how much it is *different* from the
current Web.

I had begun to write a long e-mail to you at least four
times. Each time I stop, thinking that what I wrote will
discourage your current effort.

"To boostrap FULL TUNES we need FULL TUNES", I think this
summarize well the reasons of our long paralysis.

So, there are no shortcut: we need to approach TUNES
one small step a time. And please: be NOT discouraged!

When time permits, I will begin a series of e-mails (one
is in preparation, subject: current mark-up languages and
a proposal for a quite different solution) with critics
of current situation AND pratical contribution, trying
to stick to one point and not diverge too much.


P.S.: please, do NOT delete or overwrite old content.
Thank you!


1. Tunes Distributed Publishing

Massimo Dentico
Tom Novelli
2007-03-20 03:03:05 UTC
Massimo, welcome back!
Post by Massimo Dentico
(i.e. How would TUNES solve these problems, ideally?)
Well, this is *exactly* the problem: I constantly
end up thinking about TUNES; in particular, regarding
your current effort, about Tunes Distributed Publishing [1]
(TDP from now on) and how much it is *different* from the
current Web.
I had begun to write a long e-mail to you at least four
times. Each time I stop, thinking that what I wrote will
discourage your current effort.
I know. It was discouraging criticism that brought this project to a
standstill. Thank you for your concern. The CMS is a "temporary"
expedient... I'm finding it helpful, but it does leave A LOT to be
desired. Feel free to bash it all you want :-)

TDP hasn't gotten the attention it deserves. Right now it would be
really nice to have a general mechanism for version control and
annotations. I know what I want, but I don't have the answers, so I'm
looking to someone with more expertise in this area.

What would TDP look like? Something like an XML DOM tree, without the
stupid markup, perhaps? "Links" would be references to objects,
ranging in size from single letters to book-length. But would you
reference a certain version "frozen in time", or the current version?
And if it's gone, how would the system try to handle it gracefully?
And finally, would you store it all in a relational database, or what?
....... Just some "food for thought."
Post by Massimo Dentico
When time permits, I will begin a series of e-mails (one
is in preparation, subject: current mark-up languages and
a proposal for a quite different solution) with critics
of current situation AND pratical contribution, trying
to stick to one point and not diverge too much.
The existing TDP pages are 99% negative criticism... I'm really
looking forward to your practical suggestions. I don't mean to rush
you... maybe you could send me a draft copy to proofread... :-)

Seriously, I'm busy enough without this, but I want to get the ball rolling.
Post by Massimo Dentico
P.S.: please, do NOT delete or overwrite old content.
Thank you!
Just in case, we have backups!

- Tom
